Music in the Woods

General Information:

Join us for the Lloyd Center’s Fourth Annual Music in the Woods on Saturday, September 21, 2024 (rain date Sunday, September 22). A free benefit for Lloyd Center Members!

Tickets will be available August 20 for Lloyd Center Members, and August 27 for Non-members. (Free for members; $50 per carload for non-members.)

Enjoy live music along our trails with New Bedford Symphony Orchestra, the Traditional String Band Jam, led by Juliana Bernardi, and other musicians TBA closer to the event.

Please Note

Please be prepared to protect yourself from the sun, ticks, and poison ivy. No pets, please.

A limited number of long-sleeved Lloyd Center shirts will be available for purchase.

The Center has a limited number of parking spaces; if you are unable to attend, please email so we can release your parking space to another. We will inform you of any rain date reschedule by Friday, September 20, at 5:00 pm.

Sponsors (Individual/Corporate)

Be an Individual or Corporate Sponsor for the Lloyd Center’s Fourth Annual Music in the Woods!

Sponsoring this event (either individually or as a business) is a great way to support environmental education while providing numerous benefits for both you the Lloyd Center.