Lloyd Center Embarks on 36th Annual Winter Waterfowl Survey
by Jamie Bogart, Lloyd Center Research Associate Each year the fall migration brings a myriad of bird life to our region, including waterfowl that rely upon healthy embayments as an overwintering food source. By early December, our estuaries and coastal ponds have become active with Canada Geese, American Black Ducks, and Bufflehead, to name just…
Read MoreLloyd Center Speaker Series to Begin on November 16
The Lloyd Center for the Environment will begin a new speaker series on November 16 at the Southworth Library located at 732 Dartmouth Street in Dartmouth. The first of the series, “Public Outreach as an Important Tool for Science and Conservation” will take place on Wednesday, November 16, 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm and will…
Read MoreWednesday Bird Walks Return to the Lloyd Center
Wednesday Bird Walks are returning to the Lloyd Center property, which offers a diversity of habitats that attract birds year-round. Oak-hickory forest, cedars and hollies, red maple swamp, vernal pools, estuary, salt marsh, and a bird feeding station, all host species of songbirds, raptors, waterfowl and shorebirds, depending upon the season. This series covers fall…
Read MoreA Fun Day at the Lloyd Center’s Music in the Woods!
What a beautiful day it was this past Saturday, celebrating the Lloyd Center for the Environment’s second Music in the Woods event. Both Lloyd Center members and the general public came out to enjoy another musical day on the Center’s trails and grounds. Family and friends gathered together to enjoy a very musical afternoon…
Read MoreLloyd Center Collaborates in Wade Institute for Science Education’s 2022 STEM Challenge: Extreme Zoo Makeover: A STEM Approach to Habitat Design
The Lloyd Center for the Environment is collaborating with the Wade Institute for Science and the Buttonwood Park Zoo in an inquiry-based engineering design: 2022 STEM Challenge, “Extreme Zoo Makeover: A STEM Approach to Habitat Design.” The Challenge includes an optional professional development workshop for educators, a curriculum guide, and a materials kit (kit for MA schools only).…
Read MoreLloyd Center’s Music in the Woods Returns! – Saturday, September 24
Join us at the Lloyd Center for the Environment on Saturday, September 24 for the second Music in the Woods event, a free benefit for Lloyd Center members. Both Lloyd Center members and the general public are invited to enjoy a very musical afternoon on the Center’s trails and grounds of the Lloyd Center with…
Read MoreLloyd Center 2nd Annual Music in the Woods
Join us at the Lloyd Center on Saturday, September 24 (rain date Sunday, September 25) for this free event for Lloyd Center Members! Member registration opens on Thursday, September 1. Tickets are available to the general public starting Thursday, September 8, at $40 per car. Enjoy live music along our trails with New Bedford Symphony…
Read MoreMusic in the Woods Returns!
Join us at the Lloyd Center for the second Music in the Woods event, a free benefit for Lloyd Center Members. Both members and the general public are invited to enjoy a very musical afternoon on the Center’s trails and grounds. Date and details to be announced! Watch our website or Facebook page.
Read MoreClambake XXXVII – Thank you for your support!
Lloyd Center Clambake XXXVII, “37 Years of Celebrating Science and Education!” We thank our Volunteers, Patrons, Sponsors, and Auction Donors! As a result of your hard work and support, scientists, educators and naturalists of the Lloyd Center will continue to move ahead, in innovative and effective ways to challenge our children, and inspire our citizens…
Read MoreClambake XXXVII – Meals to Go & Silent Auction – It’s Here!
Order your meal today! The Lloyd Center for the Environment’s Clambake XXXVII – “37 Years of Celebrating Science and Education!” will take place on Friday, July 8, 2022. This Tuesday, July 5th, is the last day to purchase your meal(s). A tradition upon which so much depends, the Clambake helps to underwrite the costs of…
Read MoreOnline Auction Sneak Peak – View at the Dartmouth Cultural Center
WE HAVE ART! Artwork will be on display at the Dartmouth Cultural Center located at 404 Elm St in Dartmouth from 11 am – 3 pm on June 30, July 1, July 2, July 7, and July 8. Stop by and take a look!
Read MoreLloyd Center Silent Auction Details! July 1 – 8!
The Lloyd Center’s Silent Auction will be online this year commencing on Friday, July 1st, and concluding on Friday, July 8th, at 9pm. Starting July 1st, view our auction at, featuring exciting items from local artists, artisans, businesses, and individuals. Click here to view auction and to bid! Or scan the auction QR Code…
Read MoreLloyd Center Welcomes New Board Members
On Thursday, April 28th, the Lloyd Center for the Environment hosted their Annual Meeting at the North Dartmouth Library where three new members were welcomed to the Board of Directors. In addition, the following board members were unanimously voted in as Officers at the Board Meeting that immediately followed the Annual Meeting: Otto W. Schleinkofer…
Read MoreClambake XXXVII – Meals to Go & Silent Auction – In Just One Month!
It’s time to mark your calendar and secure your ticket to one of the summer’s most popular events, the Lloyd Center for the Environment’s Clambake XXXVII – “37 Years of Celebrating Science and Education!” – Friday, July 8, 2022. Known as the unofficial “kick-off” of the South Coast’s summer season, Clambake XXXVII will take place…
Read MoreSummer is Just Around the Corner, Have You Signed Your Children Up for an Exciting Summer Outdoors!
Our Coastal Studies Summer Programs are filling up quickly. Reserve your spot before it’s too late! Animal collection, habitat investigations, and creature observation, are just a few of the activities offered through the 2022 Summer Programs. In its 41st season, the Lloyd Center’s Summer Programs are designed to give motivated students (ages 9 to 12)…
Read MoreSave the Date! Clambake XXXVII, “37 Years of Celebrating Science and Education!”
Lloyd Center for the Environment’s Clambake XXXVII will be held on Friday, July 8, 2022. This year, we will be offering both our well-received Meals to Go, and the Silent Auction in online format. We look forward to partnering with several local restaurants. Dining information coming soon! “This year, our Meals to Go will feature both lunch…
Read MorePhyfe Named Clambake XXXVII Steering Committee Chair
The Lloyd Center is pleased to announce that Winifred “Winnie” Phyfe has been named the Committee Chair for Clambake XXXVII, “37 Years of Celebrating Science and Education!” Born in Johnson City, Tennessee, Winnie attended the Emma Willard School in Troy, New York, Sweet Briar College in Virginia, Katharine Gibb’s School in New York City and…
Read MoreLloyd Center “Welcome Center” – Your Building as Workforce Training: Integrating Students into High Performance Projects
On February 28, Kathryn Duff, Founder & Director of studio2sustain, presented Your Building as Workforce Training: Integrating Students into High Performance Projects at the NESEA (Northeast Sustainable Energy Association) Conference: Building Energy 2022. NESEA is North America’s premier high-performance building conference. Ms. Duff presented the Lloyd Center “Welcome Center” project. Attendees learned how high-performance building…
Read MoreOwls Hoot, Skies Shine for Lloyd Center March Owl Prowls
by Jamie Bogart, Lloyd Center Research Associate The Lloyd Center, on two evenings in March, held a Full Moon and Spring Equinox Owl Prowl. These outings offer a glimpse at popular celestial events, and encounters with elusive wildlife. This year the events were held on March 18 and 21 respectively, with back-to-back prowls ensuring two…
Read MoreLloyd Center Annual Meeting – Thursday, April 28
The Lloyd Center for the Environment’s Annual Meeting will take place on April 28, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:15 p.m., in the community room of the Dartmouth Public Library – North Branch, located at 211 Cross Road. The meeting will be limited to an update of the Lloyd Center’s financial position given by Board Chair,…
Read MoreBlizzard and Arctic Chill Both Factors in Lloyd Center February Waterfowl Survey
To close out the 35th annual winter waterfowl survey, Lloyd Center staff and volunteers ventured out in single digit temperatures on Sunday, February 6, to survey the estuaries and coastal ponds, from Sakonnet Point in RI, to Padanaram Harbor in MA. High ice coverage and tides made for conditions highly comparable to a year ago,…
Read MoreBirders Shrug Off Dreary Weather for Lloyd Center’s Annual New Year’s Day Walk at Gooseberry
by Jamie Bogart, Lloyd Center Research Associate The annual Lloyd Center New Year’s Day walk at Gooseberry is an educational nature walk focused on birding at a unique location, a barrier island featuring both marine and terrestrial habitats in close juxtaposition. Much like the “polar plunges” it’s also about just getting out, even in harsh…
Read MoreLloyd Center 2nd Annual Holiday Oyster Sale!
The Lloyd Center for the Environment is offering Fresh Cuttyhunk Oysters from Cuttyhunk Shellfish Farms! A wonderful holiday tradition to benefit the Lloyd Center’s education programs. Supporters can order fresh oysters by the dozen, as well as shucking knives and/or gloves. Oysters are $25 per dozen and will keep well for up to 10 days…
Read MoreLloyd Center Inaugural Music in the Woods on Saturday, September 25
Join us at the Lloyd Center on Saturday, September 25 (rain date Sunday, September 26) for this free event for Lloyd Center Members! Member registration is available now through Monday, August 16. Tickets are available to the general public starting Tuesday, August 17, at $30 per car. Enjoy live music along our trails with New…
Read MoreA Musical, Fun Day Was Had by All At the Lloyd Center!
On Sunday, September 26th, the Lloyd Center for the Environment held their Inaugural Music in the Woods event, a new free benefit for Lloyd Center Members. Both members, and the general public, came out to enjoy a very musical afternoon on the Center’s trails and grounds, and what a wonderful afternoon it was! In fact,…
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