Did You Forget to Renew Your Membership in March? If Yes, Renew Your Membership Today for Half Price!
Membership support is essential to the Center’s operations. Due to the generosity of our members last year, the Lloyd Center was able to provide:
• experiential environmental education to over 13,000 students;
• outreach programs ranging from owl prowls to canoe trips for over 3,000 individuals;
• monitoring of threatened and endangered species throughout the state.
From one of the many teachers we work with at the Lloyd Center:
“I wanted to let you know that Kid Wind was awesome! The students absolutely loved it. I am planning on saving money to purchase the materials for fourth grade to use in the future for their energy unit. It was a very powerful unit. Our students were so motivated to figure out the best way to generate energy. So, I wanted to send you a huge thank you! Thank you again for everything. Having this partnership with the Lloyd Center and fourth grade has breathed new life into our science teaching and I am so thankful for that. : )” Grade 4 Teacher, A.J. Gomes School, New Bedford, MA
There are some big changes underway at the Lloyd Center. Our innovative new Welcome Center is under construction, and the main building is currently closed while undergoing a renovation!
During these important projects, the trails remain open and our outreach offerings for all ages continue.
Click here to become a member or to renew your membership.
Thank you for your support!