Field Based
Field Based
Coastal Field Studies
Explore the natural environment with your students!
Coastal field studies are hands-on coastal ecology adventures! Held in a field setting for students K-12, you will have the opportunity to explore a variety of coastal habitats.
Students will experience these unique habitats and get a chance to utilize scientific equipment, field guides, and data sheets. All materials are geared towards the grade level of the participating students.
Coastal Field Studies help students discover the complex forces that shape New England’s Coastal Environment. Students discover on their own how organisms interact with each other and the environment through our specially designed field investigations.
Student in grades K-4 will explore the ecosystem at the Lloyd Center site. They will visit the main building that contains pertinent natural history exhibits, as well as saltwater and freshwater aquaria. The rest of the day will be spent outside with a hike through our maritime forest, a salt marsh exploration, and an opportunity to catch and observe organisms on their own in the center’s estuary.
Older students will have the opportunity to study a barrier beach complex away from the Lloyd Center’s main building. They will explore the barrier beach, dunes, salt marsh, and enjoy the opportunity of catching local organisms in the estuary.
AVAILABLE: late April-October
DURATION: four hours
FEES: $510 up to 30 students, then $17/student
LOCATION: Lloyd Center (K-4) Beach (5-12)
Lower pricing available for two hour trip for K-2
For registration, please contact:
Elizabeth A. Moniz
Education/Outreach Director
Tel: 774-328-4820
Mysterious Monarch Migration: Tagging Monarch Butterflies
Participate in a hands-on research project!
Why do Monarchs migrate up to 3,000 miles every fall? Where do they spend the winter? Discover the answers to these questions and more when you participate in the Lloyd Center’s Mysterious Monarch Migration! This program allows students to participate in an on going research project by assisting Lloyd Center staff in catching and tagging Monarch butterflies. The students will be introduced to Monarch Butterfly biology and migration patterns, before heading out to catch and tag these beautiful insects.
The data acquired while tagging will be contributed to Monarch Watch, an international organization dedicated to conducting Monarch research. Students can follow the migration patterns of the butterflies on the Monarch Watch web site.
The Lloyd Center’s curriculum enhances the study of biology, ecology, geography, technology, math, and writing skills. What a wonderful way to get the students involved in scientific research!
AVAILABLE: mid September - mid October
DURATION: 90 minutes
GRADES: 1-12
FEES: $325/class
LOCATION: field site
For registration, please contact:
Elizabeth A. Moniz
Education/Outreach Director
Tel: 774-328-4820