Integrating Technology-Based Modeling with Environmental Education

At the Dartmouth Cultural Center – Thursday, June 1st

Hamza Malik

The session will start with a talk about the importance of environmental education centers such as Lloyd Center for the Environment and their programs impact on students’ understanding of various environmental topics.

The talk will also highlight the importance and ways of integrating technology-based modeling while teaching students about different concepts directly and indirectly related to environmental issues and communities around them.

After the talk, all session attendees will participate in a science investigation activity designed to simulate a technology-integrated physical model representing Eastern Box Turtle and Piping Plovers’ natural habitat. The activity will conclude with a whole-group discussion that pulls together each investigation element to provide a more holistic view of the challenges and opportunities associated with integrating technology-based models when teaching environmental education content.

Registration is free, but appreciated to reserve a seat.

Ali Daniyal Asif

6:00 – 7:00 pm

Thursday, June 1


Hamza Malik is a STEM Education Ph.D. candidate at UMass Dartmouth and holds an MBA in Environmental Policy (UMass Dartmouth) and a BS in Economics & Communications (FC College, Lahore, Pakistan). He has five years of experience in environmental education programs and outreach with WWF-Pakistan (World Wide Fund for Nature and/or World Wildlife Fund-US) and WWF-South Pacific Fiji Islands. He currently holds Teaching and Research fellowship at the Lloyd Center for the Environment.

Ali Daniyal Asif is a STEM Education Ph.D. student at UMass Dartmouth and holds a master’s degree in computer science. He has seven years of experience teaching undergraduate computer science programs in Pakistan. Ali’s current research focuses on understanding ways in which teachers engage with different components of Computational Thinking in their classrooms. He holds a Research Assistant position at Kaput Center for Research and Innovation-UMass Dartmouth.