Spend your vacation week discovering all the amazing things happening in spring! Children ages six to ten will engage in an exciting week of hands-on activities, experiments, games, crafts and trail walks.

April Vacation Week Adventures will be lead by Lloyd Center educators who will take children through the Center’s ponds, woods, and fields, to discover what animals and plants are reappearing as the weather warms and seasons change. Each day of the week will have exciting new activities to explore the world around us.

This is a four-day program that will take place from Tuesday, April 20, through Friday, April 23. Check in is at 9: 40am and program time runs from 10:00am – 3:00pm daily. Participants are to meet at the Lloyd Center Bond Building classroom. The price for Lloyd Center members is $225 and for non-members $275. This program is limited to eight children, ages six to ten years old.

Pre-registration is required by Thursday, April 15, 3:00pm.

To pre-register online, Click Here. If you have specific questions regarding the program, please contact Ashley Gesner at 774-628-9241 or ashley@lloydcenter.org.