Lloyd Center Brings Kids Outdoors During Vacation Week
To keep kids busy and outdoors over April vacation, Lloyd Center staff brought nature front and center through its April Vacation Week Adventures program.
From April 18-21, educators at the center introduced a group of about 12 young naturalists to the center’s property and the animals that call it home through themed days dedicated to reptiles and amphibians, fish, birds, and crabs.
Each day included time spent both indoors learning about animal anatomy and behavior, and outdoor activities dedicated to finding and searching for certain animas.
“We have 81 acres of forests, vernal pools, and estuaries. We have every resource you could want to get out to see, so we incorporate outdoor activities into every day,” explained educator Amanda Nowicki, who led two days of activities.
The first day of the program included a search of the center’s vernal pools for salamanders and frogs, and on Friday kids met Koko, an Eastern screech owl, and as morning rain cleared, went out on a bird-themed scavenger hunt.
“We want the kids to learn something new, but we also want them to have fun doing it,” Nowicki added.