Lloyd Center Holiday Oyster Sale Brings in Funds for Education Programs
On Wednesday, December 21, the Lloyd Center hosted its 2nd Annual Holiday Oyster Sale. A big thank you to Seth Garfield of Cuttyhunk Shellfish Farms for providing the delicious oysters! Oyster lovers were able to order fresh oysters ahead of time and pick them up at the Center.
A veteran and retired teacher, Garfield thrives on community service, tirelessly teaching, training, and employing the next generations of future oyster farmers.
In addition to oysters, patrons were also able to purchase shucking knives to enjoy their oysters at home.
We also want to thank Lloyd Center Board Member Sally Johnston, for her energetic organizing and oversight of the event.
We are grateful to all who participated and supported the Lloyd Center and Cuttyhunk Shellfish Farms, and we look forward to hosting another Holiday Oyster Sale in December this year!