Lloyd Center Wednesday Bird Walks Are Back September 6th!
The Lloyd Center 82-acre property offers a diverse assemblage of bird habitats year-round for breeding birds, including species passing through on migrations, permanent residents, and even the occasional rarity. A diverse, predominantly oak-hickory forest also has its share of evergreens, dense undergrowth and “snag” (standing dead tree) habitat, which ensures a varied food source and optimal cover through all seasons.
Both freshwater and estuarine wetlands, a feeding station, and butterfly gardens, add to the diverse landscape. There are always slow bird days, so other taxonomic groups including mammals, insects, reptiles, and amphibians, may be around to catch the eye or ear. Meeting “Koko” our Screech Owl at the end of the hike is an option as well.
The walks resume at a time (late summer) when a mixture of adults and fledges in a vast array of molts are all on the move, including some species entering, or already in the migration stage in a buzz of activity. In addition, with warm temperatures, another true “buzz” is insect species (including mosquitoes so grab the bug spray) such as Monarchs and other butterflies that are potential sightings on these nature walks.
Please CLICK HERE to see our Events Calendar for logistics, and hope to see you there!