Lloyd Center’s Summer Programs – less than a month away

summer-programsSummer is almost here and so is the start of the Lloyd Center’s Summer Programs – less than a month away! Coastal Studies for children and teens entering grades 3-8 ~ Young Naturalist for children ages 5 – 7

Join us for an exciting summer outdoors! Animal collection, habitat investigations, and fishing are just a few of the activities offered through the 2015 summer programs. In its 34th season, the Lloyd Center’s Summer Programs are designed to give motivated students an opportunity to explore different aspects of environmental science.

Coastal Studies Summer Programs ~ Come explore the Lloyd Center’s 82 acres of maritime forest. Learn what plants make up the forest, search for insects, seek out amphibians, listen for birds and look for evidence of mammals. Get ready for a forest adventure!

Young Naturalist Programs ~ a fun-filled summer of exploration, discovery and wonder of the natural world around us. Throughout the summer, children will learn about the amazing creatures and habitats around the Lloyd Center using hands-on games, activities, crafts and trail walks.

Whether looking in the sea, sky, forests or ponds, we will be sure to have an exciting day. Children may participate in a half-day session or extend their fun into a full-day adventure. Each session of the summer will incorporate new activities and crafts, so feel free to sign up your child for as many programs as you like!


Programs are filling up quickly!