United Way of Greater New Bedford’s $4,500 Summer Fund Grant Provides Life-long Memories to Students
This past summer, the United Way of Greater New Bedford awarded the Lloyd Center for the Environment a $4,500 Summer Fund Grant. This Grant made it possible for the Lloyd Center to offer financial assistance to students that otherwise, would not have been able to participate in the Center’s summer programs.
“It seems that each summer, we receive more requests for scholarships and this past summer was no exception. This year, we had scholarship-awardees in all of our Coastal Studies programs, as well as a participants in our Young Naturalists program, emphasizing how important this support is – not only to the Lloyd Center, but to the community of families that strive to ensure their children benefit from quality summer programming.” stated Lloyd Center Executive Director Rachel Stronach.
Completing its 34th season, the Lloyd Center’s Summer Programs were designed to give motivated students an opportunity to explore different aspects of environmental science. Animal observations, habitat investigations, and fishing are just a few of the activities that were offered through the 2015 Coastal Study Summer Programs (for children grades 3 – 8). All sessions included field study, laboratory work, and fun!
The Young Naturalist Program at the Lloyd Center offered children ages 5-7 an opportunity to enjoy a fun-filled summer of exploration, discovery and wonder of the natural world around them. Throughout the summer, children learned about the amazing creatures and habitats around the Lloyd Center using hands-on games, activities, crafts and trail walks. It’s no wonder that the Center’s programs are always such a big hit!
Summer Fund has provided many meaningful experiences to so many youths over the years. The following quote was taken from a Naturalist-in-Training application. “Every year has been, indescribable, in the best possible ways! The friends I’ve made, the strides in my knowledge of the environment, and even my own self-confidence have been more and more each year. The fun we all have together are memories that will, for sure, last me well into adulthood, and I want the Lloyd Center and everyone there to know that every single kid who has ever been, never says “I’m bored” because it is simply impossible. And in advance, thank you for making the past years the best in my life.”
One mother wrote on her child’s scholarship application, “I believe in the adage ‘it takes a village to raise a child.’ The Lloyd Center for the Environment has been a positive structure in our village and for that I am very grateful. I could not have helped my son see and experience the wonders of marine life without you.” In his thank you card, her son, who also did the Naturalist-in-Training program, wrote “It has been so much fun working with the Lloyd Center. I learned so many things over the years that I am able to put to use in the classroom. This has been so much fun!”
One student proclaimed that the Lloyd Center programs were all that he wanted to do over summer, and even asked to attend them for his birthday present. He participated in four of the Lloyd Center’s week long programs – all of the ones he could, which required his family to (happily) rearrange their vacation plans.
Another student said “All the Lloyd Center programs I’ve done – they’re all my favorite!” A mother wrote, “His friends are doing a lot of sports camps. Boo! But he doesn’t care because he just wants to be with you!” about her son attending a summer program. And the positive responses just continue.
Thanks to the United Way of Greater New Bedford’s Summer Fund Grant, eighteen children, that otherwise would not have been able to, spent the summer at the Lloyd Center making memories that will have a strong impact on who they will become in life.